Do you like wild birds? Then feed them! When caught up in life’s hustle and bustle, it is easy to forget that birds also need a dependable food source year round. This article provides hands-on techniques for feeding wild birds in the spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Spring Wild Bird Feeding Tips

Ah, spring! Mama birds have hungry mouths to feed, and prefer food that is easy to find and deliver in a hurry.

Spring Wild Bird Foods to Offer:

Black or Striped Sunflower Seeds, a favorite among many varieties of birds

Wild Bird Seed, especially for sparrows

Suet, especially to attract chickadees and blackbirds

Summer Bird Feeding Tips

Summer time means that the baby birds have left the nest and tentatively flying about on there own, but birds of all ages are gathering important nourishment that will serve them well during their migration south in the fall. This is the time of year when providing a clean, regularly replenished birdbath to help offset the blistering heat is just as important as offering a well-stocked birdfeeder, if not more so. “Clean” is the key word, though. Be sure to replace water on a weekly basis, or else your seemingly-helpful birdbath will become a breeding ground for mosquitos.

Summer Wild Bird Foods:

Wild Bird Seed, a favorite among many varieties of birds

Apple slices, especially for wrens

Black or Striped Sunflower Seeds, a favorite among many varieties of birds

Nectar, for hummingbirds

This is also the time to check on any birdbaths, to make sure that they were not damaged during the harsh winter months.

Fall Bird Feeding Tips

This time of year, birds tackle bird feeders with the gusto of athletes ready for their Gatorade after hours of practicing ball.

Fall Wild Bird Foods:

Wild Bird Seed, a favorite among many varieties of birds

Peanut Butter, especially with seed sprinkled on top

Lard, especially with seed sprinkled on top

Black or Striped Sunflower Seeds, a favorite among many varieties of birds

Winter Bird Feeding Tips

Birds need feed in the wintertime more than any time of the year. They cannot find food as easily when the temperatures drop, and during particularly cold winters, the regions they migrate to prove insufficiently warmer than the region they left behind in the fall. Oil-rich and high calorie foods provided in your bird feeder could actually save their lives.

Winter Wild Bird Foods:

Peanut Butter, especially with seed sprinkled on top

Peanuts, especially for Gold Finches and Buntings

Lard, especially with seed sprinkled on top

Black or Striped Sunflower Seeds

White Proso Millet, especially for Cardinals this time of year

Suet, especially for chicadees and blackbirds

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